> Gallery Listing > 2006-Salute to Seniors > 100_0433.JPG > File and Exif Data
Download Original (JPEG: 1024 x 682 - 118.1K) | File Data:Filename = 100_0433.JPG ImageWidth = 1024 ImageHeight = 682 UniqueColors = 164165 Filesize = 120957 Comment = Label = Format = JPEG QuantumDepth = 8 X Resolution = 230 PixelsPerInch Y Resolution = 230 PixelsPerInch Signature = 893bdaf72899a4b963590311c151f2349d8c105da979df27a543743b3d71fc67
Exif Data:Make = EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Model = KODAK DX6490 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA. Orientation = 1 XResolution = 230/1 YResolution = 230/1 ResolutionUnit = 2 YCbCrPositioning = 1 ExifOffset = 506 ExposureTime = 1/10 FNumber = 28/10 ExposureProgram = 2 ExifVersion = 0220 DateTimeOriginal = 2006:05:06 10:04:54. DateTimeDigitized = 2006:05:06 10:04:54. ComponentsConfiguration = .... ShutterSpeedValue = 35/10 ApertureValue = 3/1 ExposureBiasValue = 0/3 MaxApertureValue = 3/1 MeteringMode = 5 LightSource = 0 Flash = 16 FocalLength = 63/10 MakerNote = KDK0101IDX6490 ..............6 = ........................e...e...........................@;.......~.. .....d.....d...............................................................z.........S8z..m.u.[tPW?Y.q..VbFflZE@]e8JRvbnwC84:c*NU|cg12Ueb}OFOlX;682v....}E/."&........%!&...........kRyf.....p.iq[.O...g.Unyq`IS.yhf.m~.eX8Qa,[g}ur.fJ6]...]R...z6.....vfG.%+>........Q':/......KCTCT34607588.............................................@;.......~..8Z.......'..............@;.......~..........%j... q..?........R..J...a....f..a...;...p].3...g.....U..........$..."......f&..............f.............^./:...........F................/.........%.h.................d.e.........Rz....../.......+...e...........d...........z = ......].......................KL. = ..............d.....!.........................n.........b.........x.....s.w...k.....y.....}.-...........).......U...U.........U...U.............%...l....#g0.FlashPixVersion = 0100 ColorSpace = 1 ExifImageWidth = 0 ExifImageLength = 0 InteroperabilityOffset = 2404 InteroperabilityIndex = R98. InteroperabilityVersion = 0100 ExposureIndex = 140/1 SensingMethod = 2 FileSource = . SceneType = . CustomRendered = 0 ExposureMode = 0 WhiteBalance = 0 DigitalZoomRatio = 0/100 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 38 SceneCaptureType = 0 GainControl = 1 Contrast = 0 Saturation = 0 Sharpness = 0 SubjectDistanceRange = 0