> Gallery Listing > 2005-GK_Ball > Family Of The Year.JPG > File and Exif Data
Download Original (JPEG: 800 x 602 - 476.3K) | File Data:Filename = Family Of The Year.JPG ImageWidth = 800 ImageHeight = 602 UniqueColors = 125278 Filesize = 487705 Comment = Label = Format = JPEG QuantumDepth = 8 X Resolution = 230 PixelsPerInch Y Resolution = 230 PixelsPerInch Signature = d33f6f758a5bbf7fc8a7e610c4612ceb2b31681d2834ab0edb774bf560ffdb9b
Exif Data:Make = EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Model = KODAK CX7330 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA. Orientation = 1 XResolution = 230/1 YResolution = 230/1 ResolutionUnit = 2 Software = Adobe Photoshop 7.0. DateTime = 2005:06:06 10:11:05. YCbCrPositioning = 1 ExifOffset = 248 ExposureTime = 1/60 FNumber = 28/10 ExposureProgram = 2 ExifVersion = 0221 DateTimeOriginal = 2005:06:04 21:14:13. DateTimeDigitized = 2005:06:04 21:14:13. ComponentsConfiguration = .... ShutterSpeedValue = 60/10 ApertureValue = 3/1 ExposureBiasValue = 0/1000 MaxApertureValue = 29/10 MeteringMode = 5 LightSource = 0 Flash = 25 FocalLength = 56/10 FlashPixVersion = 0100 ColorSpace = 1 ExifImageWidth = 800 ExifImageLength = 602 ExposureIndex = 140/1 SensingMethod = 2 FileSource = . SceneType = . CustomRendered = 0 ExposureMode = 0 WhiteBalance = 0 DigitalZoomRatio = 0/100 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 37 SceneCaptureType = 0 GainControl = 1 Contrast = 0 Saturation = 0 Sharpness = 0 SubjectDistanceRange = 0