> Gallery Listing > 2004-Right to Life Memorial > Church-1.jpg > File and Exif Data
Download Original (JPEG: 900 x 587 - 152K) | File Data:Filename = Church-1.jpg ImageWidth = 900 ImageHeight = 587 UniqueColors = 126950 Filesize = 155645 Comment = Label = Format = JPEG QuantumDepth = 8 X Resolution = 90 PixelsPerInch Y Resolution = 90 PixelsPerInch Signature = 6c8bcee39406bf126554a259524eaf80af8152cee680a0e7970b38e07616175a
Exif Data:Make = Hewlett-Packard. Model = HP PhotoSmart C945 (V01.54) . Orientation = 1 XResolution = 90/1 YResolution = 90/1 ResolutionUnit = 2 Software = Adobe Photoshop CS Windows. DateTime = 2004:10:04 11:18:07. YCbCrPositioning = 1 ExifOffset = 244 ExposureTime = 129/100000 FNumber = 400/100 ExposureProgram = 8 ISOSpeedRatings = 100 OECF = ..................... ...(...0.3.8.H.@.~.H...P...X...`.$.h.J.p.h.x.................................0...C...W...k...~......................... ...0.$.@.A.P...v.p.........................5...N...f...~. ...@...`...../...W............. ...@.).`.K...k.................@.4...v.........@.'...........@.........L.....@.................b...........!.................I...x...................C...p...........)...f.......................Q...n................ ..."...$...&...(...*...,.......0...2...4...6...8...:...<...>...?... ExifVersion = 0220 DateTimeOriginal = 2004:09:23 17:33:02. DateTimeDigitized = 2004:09:23 17:33:02. ComponentsConfiguration = 0321 ShutterSpeedValue = 2458/256 ApertureValue = 1009/256 BrightnessValue = 1701/256 ExposureBiasValue = 0/256 MaxApertureValue = 280/100 MeteringMode = 2 LightSource = 20 Flash = 16 FocalLength = 760/100 FlashPixVersion = 0010 ColorSpace = 1 ExifImageWidth = 900 ExifImageLength = 587 InteroperabilityOffset = 1812 InteroperabilityIndex = R98. InteroperabilityVersion = ...0 FocalPlaneXResolution = 2775/100000000 FocalPlaneYResolution = 2775/100000000 FocalPlaneResolutionUnit = 3 ExposureIndex = 100/1 SensingMethod = 1 FileSource = . SceneType = . CustomRendered = 0 ExposureMode = 0 WhiteBalance = 0 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 37 SceneCaptureType = 1 GainControl = 1 Contrast = 0 Saturation = 0 Sharpness = 0 DeviceSettingDescription = .... 0A0 7A0 4A0HPSI0001.. 11A0 1A0 1A0 0.. 21A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 31A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 32A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 41A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 42A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 43A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 44A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 51A0 1A0 1A0 0.. 61A0 1A0 1A0 0.. 62A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 63A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 64A0 0A0 0A0 0.. 71A0 1A0 1A0 SubjectDistanceRange = 2