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Apr 18, 2001 Our annual KOVAR campaign will be conducted from April 18-21.

KOVAR stands for Knights of Virginia Assisting the Retarded. We stand outside local stores and solicit contributions and give away super sized Tootsie Rolls. All of the funds collected are forwarded to a K of C run corporation that provides grants and donations to the retarded. KOVAR is the largest private charity in the commonwealth supporting the retarded. Our council is usually one of the top funds raisers in the state. To do that we need everyone to lend a hand.

The campaign will start at 0700 on Thurs. morning with Dawn Patrol. We need four intrepid souls to help me at Pickett and US 50 collect in traffic. There will be a second Dawn Patrol on Fri. AM also. Otherwise we will operate in two man shifts at 7 local stores from Thursday morning to Sunday night. The shifts are for three hours:
  • 9:00am-Noon

  • Noon-3:00pm

  • 3:00-6:00 pm

  • 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
The store locations are as follows:

  • Courthouse Safeway

  • Pan Am Safeway

  • Fairfax Town Center Safeway

  • Micro Center Computer Store

  • KMart

  • ABC Store (James Swart Circle off US 50 near Circuit City)

  • Food Lion

  • Giant at Jermantown on Saturday only.
* If we have sufficient manpower, we will put three people at the Fairfax Town Center Safeway because of their door configuration.

We will also collect after all the Masses at St. Leo's. If you cannot work a regular shift, join us after Mass to help.

Wives and children are certainly encouraged to work with husbands. After the shift is over, we ask one of the workers to return to the hall and count their money. Lunch or supper will be provided along with liquid refreshments.

Please email Tim Tilson at HMSLYDIA@msn.com to sign up for a shift. We will not be using the web site. You may work multiple shifts.

Our goal this year is $26,245!!! We have a good start toward our goal with a collection drive at Christmas, and donations by the Knights via CFC and United Way. However this drive is crucial. We need everyone's help.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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