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Father Diamond Memorial Scholarship Application

Application due February 15, 2014!
Feb 15, 2014 Information:
1. Father Diamond Council #6292 of the Knights of Columbus will offer a $500 four-year scholarship.

2. To be eligible, the student must:
a. Be Catholic.
b. Be an Eighth Grader who will enter High School as a freshman in September 2014.
c. Be planning to attend a Catholic High School in the Arlington or Washington D.C. Diocese.
d. Be one of the following:
1) Child, grandchild or dependent of a member of Council #6292 of the Knights of Columbus.
2) Child of a registered parishioner of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church.
3) A student at St. Leo the Great Catholic School.

More information is available in the attached application packet.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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