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Meeting and Election of Officers

Jun 11, 2013 The Nominating Committee's Recommendations for 2013-2014 Council Offices are in the June Newsletter. They are:

Grand Knight - Matthew T. West
Deputy Grand Knight -  Patrick A. McGuire
Chancellor - John F. Eldred
Warden - Jose A. "Tito" Costacamps
Financial Secretary - Kevin H. Darr
Treasurer - Herbert F. Zimmerman
Advocate - Edward P. Cuccias
Recorder - Jeffrey A. Wolfhope
Inside Guard: - Nathan T. Rasmussen
Outside Guard: - Joseph Berg
Outside Guard: - Dan O'Malley
3-Year Trustee: - Daniel E. Purtill
2-Year Trustee: - Gregory J. Skorupski
1-Year Trustee: - Nelson R. Clinch

Nominations can also be offered from the floor.

Please help our Council determine its leadership by attending the meeting starting with the rosary at 7:30 PM, followed by the Meeting (including elections) at 8:00.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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