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Columbiette Bake Sale 5/26-5/27 after masses

to Benefit Fisher House
May 27, 2012 The Columbiettes will hold their yearly bake sale Memorial Day weekend to support a local Fisher House. Fisher House is a home for military families when a loved one is in the hospital on a military base. A lot of help is needed baking in the St. Leo's Gym Saturday May 26th from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. All workers are welcome: young and old! The Columbiettes will have supplies (pans, mixes, eggs, flour. oil) if you would like to just come and bake. If you would like to bring your favorite tools to bake, that would be great! Needed items: extension cords, mixers, spatulas... and donations from home. Anyone willing to bake and drop off goods any time Saturday or Sunday would be appreciated! BAKE SALE- Saturday May 26th & Sunday May 27th after all Masses.


Please contact Julie Clinch 703-209-8106, clinch5va@yahoo.com or Kathy Weich 240-281-2502, kmweich@yahoo.com

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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