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Nelson Clinch Good News Update

Dec 19, 2001 A note from Julie Clinch:

Dear Friends and Family,

We would like to take a moment this Christmas season to thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers, and gifts of time, money, and food just to name a few. As many of your know, on October 23, 2001 our lives werre turned upside down. Nelson collapsed from a hemorrhage on his brain caused by a congenital defect we never knew he had. After three and a half weeks in ICU he graduated from unit to unit until, on December 3rd, he was transferred to Mt. Vernon hospital for rehabilitation. His progress has been amazing and we hope to have him home some time in the middle of January. We have been overwhelmed with all the support from all of you. We thank God, not only for Nelson's miraculous recovery, but also for all of you. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

God Bless,

Nelson, Julie, Robbie, Vicki, & Greg Clinch

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