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Support the PTO at the 2008 Annual PTO Quiz Bowl

Mar 01, 2008 Brother Knights,

Help Support the St. Leo the Great PTO and Catholic education! Come and have an enjoyable adult evening out and enjoy the company of your fellow parishioners at the 2008 St. Leo's PTO Quiz Bowl!

Come to the PTO’s Annual Quiz Bowl for a fun night of trivia!
    March 1st, 2008
    6:30-9:00 PM
    St. Leo’s Gym
Test your trivia knowledge against friends, fellow parishioners and guests! Come by yourself, as a couple, or reserve a table for your team! Wine for each table compliments of MAISON NICOLAS. Coffee and dessert will be provided.

There has been a change in the table policy for Quiz Bowl. Tables may have up to 10 people per table at $90 per table. Tables with fewer than 10 people may be filled in with folks joining us at the last minute. This year's Quiz Bowl winner will run Quiz Bowl 2009! Please find the corrected flyer linked below. Thanks!

Ticket Order Form is linked here:


Include Name(s)/Team Captain, Number of Individual Tickets at $10 and/or Number of Table Tickets at $90 and Total.

Please return order form and checks (payable to St. Leo School) in an envelope marked "Quiz Bowl 2008." Please contact Bill or Beth Ward at 703-273-6289 with questions.

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