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Election of Officers- Nov 27

Nov 27, 2007 The Nominating Committee has completed the interviewing of candidates for the positions of Chancellor and Treasurer. The Committee recommends Michael Purtill for the position of Chancellor and Herb Zimmerman for the position of Treasurer. In accordance with our Council by-laws, the elections for these positions will be held at the next business meeting, November 27, 2007. Candidates are also welcome to run from the floor on election night.

The selection of Michael Purtill for Chancellor will create a vacancy at the Inside Guard position. The election for Inside Guard will also be held at the Nov 27 meeting. Brothers interested in the Inside Guard position are encouraged to run from the floor on during the elections process.

I encourage all Council members to attend this upcoming meeting and election to cast your vote for these important Officer positions.

Bill Weich
Grand Knight

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