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Thanksgiving Basket wrap-up

Nov 19, 2001 Brother Knights,

I am pleased to announce that members of Father Diamond Council – working in conjunction with the St. Vincent de Paul society and other volunteers – successfully provided the following to needy families and members of the Fairfax community:

42 Thanksgiving Baskets,
40 turkeys, and
42 $10 gift certificates
We had quite a bit of help assembling and delivering these items and I would like to specifically thank the following folks:

Al “Obi-Wan” Leightley for showing me all the Charity Committee Thanksgiving basket ropes and personally taking a very large part in all the actual work as well.

Larry Gottschalk for helping with the scrip and turkeys (especially the pickup at Giant); Kevin McGrail and Adam Gruendl (for having HUGE vehicles), and ALL of the generous folks who provided a basket and/or donated their time and effort to this cause (not naming everyone here as I might leave someone out -- you know who you are).


Bill Ward

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