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2007 KOVAR Final Tally Council's Highest Ever!

May 21, 2007 KOVAR Final Tally

Our final total for this years KOVAR drive is $26,478 which is our Council's highest ever. The previous high was $26,231 set in 2002. We did get more that our assigned goal of $25,333. Following is a summary of how this year's funds were generated:
  • $1,149 - CFC/United Way pledges
  • $2,742 - Member and Bowling team donations
  • $320 - Misc. Donations from Girl Scouts and Ovations tip jars.
  • $4,137 - Marine Corps Marathon Pledges
  • $486 - ABC stores Christmas Holiday collections
  • $17,646 - KOVAR weekend collections
Again thanks to all who participated in this outstanding show of support to make this program of assisting the Retarded in Virginia a huge success and to Tim Cooke who chaired this effort this year.

Message from Tim Cooke, this year's KOVAR Chairman:

"I'd like to thank all the volunteers in our KOVAR Drive this year. [Edited to Update] Special thanks go to all those people who put in extra effort of many hours and extra shifts . . . especially Al Leightley and Hank Urban who spearheaded the counting efforts back at the Hall and John Judge who prepared all the food for everyone to eat upon the completion of their shifts. Young Rob Clinch, the son of Brother Knight Nelson Clinch, deserves a big attaboy for spending the weekend in the hall helping count the collections. None of this couldn't have happened with out the help of many Brother Knights who did the actual collection effort and especially to those who also worked double, triple and more shifts and to the Road Runners who gave us a good start by collecting $1,010 on the first morning of our drive. Also a big thanks to those families and family members who help in the most successful event this year.

Thanks again for all your hard work this weekend."

PGK Tim Cooke

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