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Nominating Committee

Apr 30, 2007 Brother Knights,

At the Grand Knight's direction the 2007-2008 Nominating committee has been appointed to present a slate of Officer's to the Council for consideration and possible election. The committee consists of Tom Kelley, PGK Chairman, Greg Hartley, PGK and Tim Tilson, PGK.

Any Third Degree Knight in good standing is eligible for consideration for an Officer's position. We encourage each and every such member to consider running for an office. An active council such as Fr. Diamond needs all active and concerned members to become involved in directing the future of this council. If you are so disposed please contact Tom Kelley by e-mail (fairfaxtom@msn.com) or call (703) 385-2819 as soon as possible and declare your intentions.

All current officers are asked to notify the nominating committee by e-mail as soon as possible and advise us of your intentions for the coming council year. The Nominating Committee will begin interviews of current officers before and after the Council Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 27th and during the Officers meeting on March 6th. Please notify us prior to the interviews on Feb. 27th.

The slate of officers presented by the committee is by no means final. Any 3rd Degree Knight may, at the time of the election, "run off the floor" and challenge any of the nominees.

This is your opportunity to become actively involved in the future of this council. Please consider this challenging position.

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