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Father Bader Scholarship Reminder!

Mar 15, 2007 Father Bader Scholarship - A Knights of Virginia State-wide Scholarship Program

That time of year is once again upon us. High School Seniors are beginning to think of Graduation and their plans for Higher Education. With this in mind, they need to be aware that now is the time to apply for a Father Bader Scholarship.

These scholarships are available to children of Knights who are in good standing in their council, or deceased Knights that were in good standing at the time of their death, and are graduating from High School, and are pursuing their first year of higher education. The application forms are available beginning January 1, 2007. They can be obtained only from me and the requests for forms must be by phone, mail, or email (the contact information is at the end of the article). There are three forms to be filled out; the student and family complete one; the Financial Secretary of the Father's council completes another; and the student's principal completes the third.

Winners of the scholarships are determined by the student’s involvement in Church, Community, and School, along with Grade point averages and financial need.

It is imperative that all three forms are completed and returned to me to arrive no later than March 14th, 2007. Any applications received after that date will not be considered. Also, any applications received that do not have all three forms will not be considered. All applications will be reviewed and judged to award the scholarships. The winners will be announced at the State Convention on May 5, 2007.

If you have any questions about the scholarship please contact me.

Kevin E. Legge, FDD, PGK, PFN
Chairman, Father Bader Scholarship Fund

1804 Windhurst Drive
Hardy, VA 24101-3767
Phone: 540-890-3352
Email: kelegge@aol.com

P.S. - Applicant eligibility information is in the link here.

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