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Third Degree Food Activities -- Thanks!

Oct 22, 2001 We held a Third Degree Saturaday 20 Oct 01 for eighteen candidates. A number of council members supported this activity.

Thanks to Larry Novack and Hank Urban for purchasing the food for the day. Tom Kelley and Jack Cotner did a masterful job in setting up and cooking the breakfast for the degree team and state officers. John Judge, recovering from his heart surgery, was back at the helm cooking the spagetti and sauce. He also provided excellent over sight of all the food activities and hall set-up. His expertize was very welcomed. A special thanks to Greg Hartley who arrived at 8:30 in the morning and stayed through the clean-up. His services in setting up, preparing food, serving the food, and clean-up were much appreciated. Al Leightley the Council Activities Chairman coordinated the activities.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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