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Bake Sale Raises $3,000 for Our Lady of the Gulf!

Jun 15, 2006 From Brother Nelson Clinch and his wife Julie:

MANY Thanks to the Columbiettes, Knights, and St. Leo the Great Parish for all of their wonderful support of Our Lady of the Gulf Church in Mississippi. The Memorial Day weekend bake sale generated almost $3,000 in profit thanks to sales and donations (of baked goods, time, and cash).

In particular, thanks to Wendy & Steve Kehoe, their 3 children, Ann & Dave Todd, Beth & Bill Ward (and 2 kids), the entire Reeder family (6 kids & 2 adults), 3 Clinch kids, Bob Bilko, Jorge Zavala (who helped after Spanish mass), Tim Tilson, Austina & Tom Kelley, Larry Gottschalk, Marian Hartzell, and numerous people who donated baked goods - we couldn't possibly list them all.

A very special thank you to Father Kelly (for allowing the group to bake late -- and locking up after us).

Thanks Everyone!

Nelson and Julie Clinch

A big attaboy and attagirl for the Clinches for organizing YET ANOTHER successful bake sale this year!


Dave Miller
Grand Knight

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