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Judges Requested for Diocesan Science Fair

Apr 29, 2006 Brother Knights,

We have been asked by Ms. Janet Vetrano, Arlington Diocese Office of Catholic Schools, to help find Judges for the upcoming 7th and 8th Grade Diocesan Science Fair.

Please see links below for three Adobe PDF files. The first two (Diocese Science Fair and Category Descriptions) are FYI. The third one (Judges’ Response Form), as the name indicates, is the one to fill out and return. Ignore the date on the bottom, as they have waived the deadline.

The Response Form can be filled out on the computer. Then, you have three options: print and fax, print and mail, or e-mail. If you click the Submit button at the bottom, it will attach the PDF form to an e-mail for you. Just fill in the subject line (Science Fair, or something like that), some text (I want to be a judge!), and send.

The Science Fair is April 29, 2006, at Bishop O'Connell High School. More details are in the attached letters.


Bill Ward, DGK

Diocese Science Fair
Category Descriptions
Judges’ Response Form

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