Jan 28, 2006Fr. Diamond Council will be hosting a Degree “Blitz†beginning with a Fist Degree Exemplification on Tuesday, January 24th at 8:00 PM with a business meeting immediately following the degree. If you know of a potential member, please contact Bill Weich, Chancellor, as soon as possible so we can contact those individuals. The Admissions Committee for 1st Degree candidates will meet at 7 PM on Thursday the 20th in Providence Hall.
This is a unique opportunity for those wishing to become Knights or who currently are 1st degree Knights to achieve full Knighthood in the same week.
A 2nd Degree Exemplification will be held on Thursday, January 26th also at 8:00 PM. Any 1st Degree members (even those taking their 1st Degree two days earlier) are encouraged to participate and become 2nd Degree Knights. Council members, 2nd Degree, and above are encouraged to attend this Degree to support the candidates going through the Exemplification.
To finish the week, we will host a 3rd Degree Exemplification on Saturday, January 28 at Noon. Note: All candidates must report between 10:30 – 11:00 AM at the St. Leo’s Parish Activity Center (PAC) but NLT 11:00. Council members are requested to assist with the Degree. Volunteers will be needed to set up the PAC, assist with candidate sign in and serve as guards during the degree.
Any member interested in going through the 2nd and 3rd Degrees, need to contact Chancellor Bill Weich as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. Also, anyone interested in assisting with the 3rd Degree should also contact Bill. He can be contacted at 703-307-9163 or WWeich@yahoo.com.
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