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Hurricane Katrina: Donating to the Knights of Columbus Charities

Sep 11, 2005 Supreme Council has organized a way to donate funds through Knights of Columbus Charities:
The Knights of Columbus Supreme Council has announced the largest disaster relief effort in its history. The Order has pledged a minimum of $2.5 million in financial assistance and will match any funds beyond that donated to the Knights of Columbus Katrina Relief Fund over the next 60 days.

The following website outlines Supreme's program

The article also states:

"The Knights have nearly 50,000 members in Louisiana, Alabama and
Mississippi. Of those about one-third have life insurance through
the Order.

The Knights of Columbus -- one of the 10 largest U.S. providers of life
insurance with more than $54 billion in force -- has also announced that
it will be suspending lapses of policies and premium notices in FEMA-
designated disaster areas for at least 60 days."

The national Catholic response is detailed on this page:


which also includes instructions for donating through KOC. Also this
same page says there will be a national second collection, although it
doesn't say a specific date.

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