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Nominating Committee preparing Recommended Slate of Officers

Mar 22, 2005 In keeping with the By-Laws of Fr. Diamond Council, the Grand Knight has named a Nominating Committee whose responsibility it is to provide a recommended slate of candidates for the elective council offices. This slate of candidates must be presented to the council no later than the last business meeting in April.

A candidate for office must be a third degree Knight in good standing.

The nominating committee consists of PGK Tom Kelley, Chairman, PGK Tim Tilson, and SK Herb Zimmerman. They will conduct interviews of prospective candidates prior to the March 22nd, and April 12th meetings. Anyone interested in serving as an officer of Fr. Diamond Council should contact a member of the Committee as soon as possible.

All current officers are requested to meet with the nominating committee prior to or after the March 22nd meeting.

Committee members may be reached by e-mail:

Tom Kelley, Chmn, Fairfaxtom@msn.com 703-385-2819
Tim Tilson, PGK, hmslydia@msn.com 703-273-9436
Herb Zimmerman, herb2777@yahoo.com 703-385-9455

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