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Upcoming Events (Sep 9th through Oct 20th)

Aug 24, 2001 Open House, Sunday, September 9, 2001

We will be hosting an Open House after each of the Masses on Sunday, September 9. I am looking for about 10 members to assist at each Mass (8 to stand outside of the Church and invite parishioners to visit the Hall, and 2 to meet and greet prospects at the Hall).

Also on September 9, we will be recruiting during the Parish Picnic. I am looking for 2 members per half hour block to man the Knights of Columbus table. A suggestion is to think of a specialty you can do to attract prospective Knights to the table (i.e.—one Knight is talking about making balloon animals for the children attending).

First Degree, Tuesday, September 25, 2001

We will be hosting a First Degree Exemplification on Tuesday, September 25. This is a great time to invite good Catholic gentlemen to join the Knights of Columbus, as our Programs are about to kick into full gear. It is also a great time for the new members to join and move through the Second and Third Degrees within the month. If you have any candidates, please get me their Form 100 (make sure to sign it and put your membership number on it as the Proposer).

Second Degree, Wednesday, October 10, 2001

We will be hosting a Second Degree Exemplification on Wednesday, October 10. Any First Degree members are welcomed to join us by advancing to the Degree of Unity.

We will also want members who are already Second Degree to join us in welcoming the new members in the Second Degree.

Third Degree, Saturday, October 20, 2001

The culmination of this Membership Drive will be the Third Degree Exemplification on Saturday, October 20. All Second Degree members are invited and encouraged to join us by advancing to the Degree of Fraternity. We also need members who are already Third Degree to assist with the Exemplification and to welcome the new Third Degree members.

If you are interested in joining us for any of these activities, please contact Dave Todd, Jr at djtoddjr@erols.com or by calling (703) 506-3646.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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