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GMU Patriot Center Fund Raising

Aug 24, 2004 Following is a report from Al Leightley on our initial effort at the Patriot center which earned $507 for the Council which is a good start on this fund raising project.

"14 brothers worked the first GMU Patriot Center show, Wiggles, at the concession stands this last Saturday, 21 Aug. Working two shifts, the first shift worked 4 stands and helped at a fifth. The second shift worked 3 stands. The crowd was large. Special thanks to Greg Hartley and Jim Essig who worked two shifts. Also special recognition to Steve Kehoe, Doug Hazelgrove, David Miller, George Billy, Greg Hartley, and Mike Purtill who worked the fast paced Pretzel North Stand. The little ones needed their pretzels and pop-corn. Others working this event were Tim Cooke, Jim Chapman, Doug Hazelgrove, Bill Ward, Mike Flattery, and Bill Jayne. The event was organized and led by Al Leightley. We are hoping to work one event a month. Next up is Team 2 (Steve Kehoe) in Oct and Team 3 (Bill Jayne) in November. Please contact your Christmas Tree Captain if you can help. We need the cooperation and help of 80 to 100 brothers over the year to make this new fund raising opportunity a success."

Attached is a schedule of events at the Patriot Center and Team assignments.

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