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Last Year's Accomplishments

Jul 02, 2001 I believe this is the time we should reflect on the accomplishments of the passed year . . . not to beat our breast, but to realize what we have completed under Marion's tenure:


Altar Society Breakfast:
Bethlehem House:
Christmas Cards:
Corporate Communion:
Crèche Program:
March for Life: over $24000.00 collected
Rosary at the Abortion Clinic:


Altar Server Trip and Party:
Easter Egg Hunt:
Free-throw Contest:
Outstanding Man/Women of the Year:
Scholarship Program: We awarded our second scholarship
Scouting Breakfast:
Visit with Santa:


Adopt a Spot:
Antique Car Show:
Blood Drive:
Christmas Food Baskets:
Easter Food Baskets:
Fairfax City Fall Festival:
Feed the Homeless:
Food Collection:.
Golf Tournament:
KOVAR: Over $26,000.00 collected
Parish Picnic:
The new Saint Valentines Party
Salute to Senior's:
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper:
Thanksgiving Food Baskets:


Business Meetings:
Christmas Dinner/Dance:
Christmas Trees:
Degree Team (1st & 2nd):
Fraternalism Night:
Grand Knight's Ball:
New Year's Eve Party:
Redskins Football:
Sporting Events: J.M.U./G.M.U. and Orioles ballgame.
Steak Night:


Council Picnic (Pig Roast):
Crab Feast:
Family Breakfasts:
Family Picnic:
Night of Magic:
Christmas Caroling:

And we exceeded our membership goals for the year.
We receive the State Deputies award.
Received award for KCIC
And Nellie Gray's appreciation for our March for Life Collections

I am sure I missed something . . . but this is a small sampling of the activities this Council is dedicated. And we thank all the Knights and their families that made these events happen and there completion with style annnnnd a lot of fun was had by all.

And we thank Mary for supporting Marion during the past year . . . but, Mary you can't have him back for your Honey do List . . . we still have him for at least 3 more years.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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