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Knights Fall Fishing Extravaganza -- October 25, 2003

Aug 13, 2003 Did you miss our trip this past Jume? Too bad!! We caught our limit of Striped Bass early and went hunting for other fish. Everyone had a great time!

Now’s your chance to get in on late season action. The weather’s a bit cooler and there are more species of fish to go after.

When? Saturday, October 25

What? - A full day of fishing and fellowship. Fishing for striped bass, blues, trout and anything that swims. The captain says this is a good time of the year because the fish are schooling up to migrate south. Lots of action.

Where? - We will be fishing the Jennifer-Ann out of Solomons. The Jennifer-Ann is a two-year old boat. She is a 53 foot fiberglass Chesapeake Bay Boat with a large open space, a heated/air-conditioned dinette/cabin capable of seating 10-12, a full-sized toilet and fresh water.

All bait, tackle and licenses are included in the price. Everyone is welcome to bring coolers to keep their favorite refreshments cold and to carry home the fish they catch.

How Much?: …. $65/person

Contact? - Herb Zimmerman
(H) 703-385-9455
(I) 202-728-4191
(cell) 703-623-7180
(e-mail) - herb2777@yahoo.com

Reservations? - Need your reservation by September 23 and your money by October 7. First 16 guys get on… if more sign up I will take alternate reservations

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