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Campaign for Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Apr 29, 2003 [The following is from one of the alert lists I am on. KAM]

I'm sure you have seen the news reports - the bodies of Laci Peterson and her son Connor were recovered and then identified.

Prosecutors in California have charged Scott Peterson for both the murder of his wife and their unborn son.

But unfortunately in many states in the United States, he would have only been charged with ONE murder.

This is where we need your help!

This is a perfect opportunity to become involved in supporting legislation that states that BOTH the mother and the unborn child are victims in this crime.

But the heat is on as pro-abortion advocates disagree, believing that if we hold a murderer accountable for both murders committed - woman and child - that somehow this action would lead to the overturn of Roe vs. Wade.

This is ridiculous!

Click below to view an outrageous article about NOW (National Organization of Women) on why they don't think this is a case of a double homicide.


It is absolutely absurd and distracts from the utter violence of a crime that would take the life of an unborn child.

Two victims - two tragedies - two lives snuffed out!

That is why legislation known as the Unborn Victims of Violence Act must be enacted! This legislation would make murderers pay for their crimes against the mother AND the child in the womb.

Please take this time to take action once again!

Click below to sign a petition to your Members of Congress to encourage the speedy passage of this critical bill.


Currently there are only 26 states that have laws that give the victims in the womb the right to be avenged and put wrong-doers who would perpetrate this heinous crime behind bars.

Shouldn't these unborn children who are often times the intended victim of attack have this vindication? I think the answer is a resounding - YES!

This is why we need your help now. Please click below to contact your Members of Congress urging them to support the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.


In addition, I ask that you consider keeping informed on critical pro-life issues and helping us get these bills passed. Click below to receive legislative alerts and other pro-life information.


Thank you for your efforts to save the lives of unborn children.


Jennifer Bingham
Executive Director

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