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St. Leo's Work Camp 03 - Help & Suggestions Needed

May 19, 2003 Message from Jennifer Meade, St. Leo's Youth Minister:

We are in DESPERATE need of help for Work Camp (WC 03 -June 21 - 27) in the form of contractors! We need HELP in finding these volunteers for one, two, three or four day projects in Montross VA, about 1.5hrs away. I have contractor packages that have more info for those interested!

Contractors are adults who are proficient in the required skills and can work with youth. They do not have to be professional contractors. Handy Homeowners can do many of the projects at WorkCamp. Please continue to ask everybody that you know.

The Projects team is having a meeting to plan each of the sites next Friday (May 23rd). So, we need volunteers b/f then, so that I can get the Contractor info. sheet to the volunteer in time for them to tell the Diocese by the time it meets with the Projects Team. Volunteers can call the Diocese directly at 703-841-2559, tell the Diocese they are from St. Leo's.

If we do not get enough 'professional' help, WC 03 will not be able to do its work.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated ASAP!

God bless,
Jennifer Meade
St. Leo's Youth Minister

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