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Knights State Convention and Golf Tournament

Mar 27, 2003 As many of you know, the Virginia State Council is coming to our backyard this year! It will be held on May 1-4 at the Fairview Park Marriott, located off of Route 50 just inside the Beltway. Past Grand Knight Dave Todd, Sr has the honors of coordinating this function, and as such, we should do what we can to lend our support to him.

The Business Meetings, which will be conducted Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, are the only activities that are closed the general public… one must be a Third Degree Member to attend either of these meetings. Aside from that, everything else is open to all, including members, family, and friends.

Attached is the registration form for the various Convention activities, and a separate registration form for the Golf Tournament. Please consider participating in some (if not all) of these activities. If you decide to do so, please fill out the appropriate form and forward it (with your check!) to Dave Todd, Sr. You can either mail it to him, or if you prefer, bring it to a Council Meeting and hand it directly to him at that time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact him at datodd@erols.com, or at (703) 352-2724.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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