Dec 22, 2002At this sometimes hectic time of the year it was a joy to see so many Brother Knights and their families volunteer to assemble and deliver the Christmas Baskets and Gifts. There were 56 recipients and 52 of those needed to be delivered all over the Fairfax City/County area. Thanks to the generosity of you Father Diamond Council Knights this work was accomplished with ease.
A very special thanks to Hank Urban and Bob Eckert who personally moved several thousand pounds of food from the storage area and the food pantry. They outrank many of us by a 'few' years, but they can outwork all of us.
On behalf of the members of the St. Vincent DePaul Society, Grand Knight Tim Cooke and all the officers and committee chairmen, best wishes for a Holy and Happy Christmas and a very prosperous New Year 2003.
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