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Nov 25, 2002 On behalf of the members of the Saint Vincent DePaul Society and your Brother Knights of Father Diamond Council, a sincere wish for a Happy Thanksgiving. Through your generosity, we were able to furnish food baskets, which included turkeys and a gift certificate to purchase perishables, to 44 needy families.

A total of $475.00 in cash was donated. The funds will be given to the SVDP as gift certificates.

Also, the children of St. Leo’s school collected "Pennies for Pies." As a result they donated more than $300.00. The funds were more than enough to pay for the turkeys that were given as part of the baskets.

The Lord will bless each of you and your families for your thoughtfulness. We look forward to your continued generosity during the upcoming Christmas Gift Basket program.

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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