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Chair Setup for Additional Masses

Oct 26, 2002 Thursday Oct 31[6:30 PM] there will be a Vigil Mass for All Saints Day with additional Masses scheduled 1 Nov [the last Mass at 7::30 PM]. Fr. Kelly has requested the Knights set up and take down the chairs in the gym. This will entail moving the chairs from the church on Thursday at 6 PM and back after the 7:30 PM Mass on Friday. Although Team 8 (Kuhlmans Team) we will need all the help possible to accomplish this task since one Christmas tree team cannot do this alone. The more Knights that show up the easier it will be . . . yes, you are needed.

Then the 40 Hours schedule is as follows:

Sunday Nov 17 (Team 10 - Hogan's Team)
Take down the chairs after the start of 40 Hours . . . approximately 9 PM

Monday Nov 18 (Grey Gost's)
Set up the chairs after 6 PM in the gym
[the chairs will have to be moved from the church].
Take down the chairs that night

Tuesday Nov 19 (Grey Gost's)
Set up the chairs after 6 PM in the gym
Take down the chairs that night
[the chairs will have to be moved back to the church].

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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