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Grand Knight's Welcome Message

Jul 02, 2002 Welcome to the start of the 2002-2003 Fraternal Year. Thank you for putting your faith in me and electing me to lead our council this upcoming year. I’m sure it will be one, like years past, that is full of activities to suit everyone and keep us all busy.

My first order of business is to thank Larry Gottschalk for the wonderful job he did as our Grand Knight last year. I believe every Grand Knight has unique challenges that face them each year. Larry not only led the council in it’s many activities, he also has run the Scrip Program, the Christmas Trees, and took the lead in having the Knights support the Church during the renovation that’s going on presently. Everyone in this council should offer Larry warm congratulations on a job well done.

There’s another transition going on in a position that hasn’t seen a change in over 2 decades. Larry Novack has decided not to continue as the council’s Financial Secretary. After 21 years keeping track of all the finances and membership information, he’s decided to take it a bit easier. I’m sure we’ll still see him at the Hall a lot and our new F.S. (Larry Gottschalk) will be getting lots of advice. If you see Larry…make sure to thank him for his many years of service.

As we begin this new fraternal year, I’d like each member to think back to when he made his First Degree. For some, it has only been a matter of months. For others, it’s been over 40 years. But for each of us, there was something that attracted us to the Knights and made us want to be a Knight. Perhaps it was to grow closer to the Church. Maybe it was to give back to the community in the form of Charity and Good Works. Maybe it was the fellowship enjoyed by associating with a group of “like-minded” men and their families. Maybe it was the Insurance Benefits that our members are lucky to enjoy. Whatever it is that made you want to join the Knights, we are definitely glad you are a part of our family. One thing I would challenge you to do is to revisit those reasons for joining and rededicate yourself as a Knight. If there are activities you wanted to get involved in, contact the person heading up that activity. If there is something you’d like to see the Knights do, bring it to my attention and we’ll do our best to make your plans happen. We have one of the most active councils in the State of Virginia and I think we should strive even higher.

I ask that each of you try to attend one council meeting before October. Our meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. We start at 7:30 with either Mass or the Rosary and then proceed with our business meeting at 8PM. Most of the time, the meeting is less than an hour long and we have a nice social time afterwards where we can watch a game, enjoy some food and beverage, and good camaraderie with your fellow Knights.

On behalf of the Officers for this Fraternal Year, we hope you will continue to make Father Diamond Council the best in the State and we look forward to a busy, but fun year working with each of you.

Vivat Jesus,

Tim Cooke
Grand Knight

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